13th International Doctoral School of Energy Conversion and Saving Technologies


Hereby we are very glad to invite you to participate in the 13th International Doctoral School of Energy Conversion and Saving Technologies organized by Riga Technical University from the 24th to the 25th of May 2024. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for doctoral students to study scientific innovations, share scientific experience, meet and discuss their own recent achievements in various fields of research and knowledge with other doctoral students and field professionals.

We wish you great success in your PhD work and look forward to meet you in Ronisi, Latvia.

Doctoral school organizers

Important Deadlines Dates

March 31, 2024!

Registration! CLOSED

May 15, 2024

Submission of posters
(.PDF, A1, Portrait)

May 24-25, 2024

Doctoral school event


Program [.pdf]

Friday, May 24
08:00-09:00 Transport from Riga, Kipsala, Azenes 12/1
09:00-10:00 Registration / Accommodation / Coffee
Chair: Dr.habil.sc.ing., Leonids Ribickis
10:00-10:15 Welcome Speech: Dr.habil.sc.ing., academician, Leonids Ribickis
10:15-11:00 Invited speaker: "The Future of Electrical Drives: Less Rare Earth Materials with Switched Reluctance Machines"
by research associate, Daniel Rodríguez, RWTH Aahen University, Germany
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15–12:00 Invited speaker: "Reliability of Modern Wind Turbines: Coping with Bearing Currents in Large Drives"
by research associate, Amandus Bach, RWTH Aahen University, Germany
12:00-12:30 Invited speaker: "Partial Power Processing - Ultimate Efficiency in Niche Applications"
by Dr.sc.ing., Andrii Chub, TalTech, Estonia
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-14:15 Invited speaker: "DC Electrification of Buildings and Neighborhoods"
by Prof., Dmitry Vinnikov, TalTech, Estonia
14:15-14:45 Pre-def: Vlads Vadinovskis, RTU, Latvia (sc.advisor prof.I.Galkin), "Development and research of 3D printing device for the production of orthopaedic rehabilitation facilities"
14:45-15:15 Pre-def: Vsevolod Burenin, RTU, Latvia (sc.advisor prof.O.Krievs), "Research, development, and evaluation of a control system for traction electric drives in railway applications"
15:15-16:15 PhD student presentation session I: P. Maksimkins, A. Stupans, V. Beliaev, I. Ushakovs
16:45-18:30 Sport activities (sportswear is recommended)
19:00-21:00 Welcome Reception in RTU Sports Campus “Ronisi”, Dinner
21:00 Social Activities
Saturday, May 25
09:00 – 10:00 Breakfast (Please, return the key of your room back to the registration office by 12:00)
Morning session. Chair: Dr.sc.ing., Nadezda Kunicina
10:00 – 10:05 Greeting Speech: Professor Oskars Krievs, Director of the Institute
10:05 – 11:00 Invited speaker: "Computational Intelligence for Resilient Power Electronics Systems"
by Prof. George Parafotiou, Eindhoven, Netherlands
11:00 – 12:00 Invited speaker: "Development of Digital Twin for propulsion drive of autonomous electric vehicle"
by Prof. Anton Rassolkin, TalTech, Estonia
12:00 – 12:15 Coffee Break and Discussions
12:15 – 13:00 Invited speaker: "Model-based design for reliability in power electronics based power systems"
by Saeed Peyghami, Aalborg University, Denmark
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 15:00 PhD student presentation session II: S.Khan(TalTech), G.Stana, U.Grunde, J.Timofejevs
14:45 – 15:00 Discussions / Awarding ceremony
15:00 Departure from Ronisi


Live – All attendees are physically present in the event location!

The ZOOM link is available for those participants who unfortunately could not attend the event in person.

QR code

Open ZOOM link!


Participation fee is 100,00 EUR
Account Holder: Riga Technical University
Registration number: 90000068977
VAT registration number: LV-90000068977
Educational institutions reg. No 3391000709
6A Kipsalas Street, Riga LV-1048
AS Swedbank
RTU account: LV75HABA0551024105883

Please include the following in the payment details "Participation fee "13th International Doctoral School of Energy Conversion and Saving Technologies”, 33800, M27".

If you need an Invoice, please send information:

Account Holder:
Account Number IBAN:
Name of the Bank:
to aija.laicane@rtu.lv and we will send an Invoice to your e-mail.


  • PRESENTATIONS this year should be presented by all doctoral students.

    Your presentation should include and answer:
    -> General information (only for RTU students) about how many "Conference participations", "scientific publications" and "Thesis is ready XX % (percent)".
    -> About topic (for all presenters): Why? Methods? What do I recommend? What am I adding? What did I find?

    Time: 15 min (presentation) + 5 min (for questions)

    Note: Presentation must be uploaded in to "presentation PC" at least 15 min before appropriate session.


Live in person event - "Ronisi", Klapkalnciems, Latvia
